Crew Management System

ProVerne's Crew Management solutions manage and optimize crew schedule planning with highly configurable legality tracking, handle day-of-ops disruptions using our "manage by exception" approach, complete crew training management, crew mobile access and real-time KPI dashboards for your SOC.


  • Manual and automated Crew Pairings Construction
  • Crew Duty Regulations Maintenance
  • Crew Assignments & fully automated crew legality checks
  • Crew Roster management
  • Training Planning
  • Disruption dashboard for Day Of Operations
  • Logistics and crew notifications
  • System of records for crew data including qualifications

Technology & hosting

ProVerne products are offered in the form of Software-as-a-Service and are deployed on Amazon Web Services, allowing us to further guarantee stability and systems security. And, unlike many SaaS solutions, ProVerne tools are device-agnostic and can be accessed through any standard web or mobile browser, eliminating roll-out/upgrade downtime, supporting Crew "Bring Your Own Device", and having NO requirement for additional software or applications to be installed.

Customization & Support

ProVerne’s unique, rapid-prototyping implementation approach gives you a solution tailored to your organization with an amazing time-to-market. Typically you'll see your first iteration in two weeks or less and from there we'll work closely with your team to make sure that layouts, dashboards and workflows all are optimized to your unique operation. With ProVerne, there are no surprises and every engagement is an oppotunity to exceed expectations.

ProVerne stands apart from other providers in that we are on a constant mission to ensure that you are receiving maximum value for your investment. Everything, from the application to payments and administration, is designed to reduce overhead and keep you focused on the business.


  • Vacation/Vacancies Bidding System

    Providing Vacation and Vacancy (Base) Bidding to Crew is a great "quality of life" solution, but without a mature, automated system administration of Vacancy and Vacation Bidding can quickly become overwhelming and prevent your team from focusing on more critical aspects of the operation. ProVerne has created the most advanced system in the industry, automating nearly every tasks and saving airlines hours and hours of precious resource time. Our powerful tools can work with ANY collective bargaining provisions and can be completely tailored to work with your existing workflows. Clean interfaces, low/no training and transparent transactions with comprehensive logging helps crew feel secure, administrators confident and bid events effortless.

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  • Open Time Bidding

    ProVerne's Open Time Bidding System offers a convenient and efficient method for crew members to select open trips. Additionally, it includes advanced trip trading features and an automated award process, which grants greater control over immediate scheduling. This, in turn, enhances overall "quality of life" for crew members.

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  • Preferential Bidding System

    Preferential Bidding represents the best of both worlds for management and Crew. More control over schedule and ease of use mean high accepance and adoption, while optimization rules ensure consistent and high-levels of crew utilization. ProVerne will work with you to create PBS logic that best fits your organization. Whether it's strictly seniority-based awarding, across-the-board equity or something in between ProVerne can create the right fit for you to build clean, confict-free and LEGAL schedules with ease.

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  • Logistics

    ProVerne's CMS quickly identifies crew logistics requirements (e.g. deadheading, crew accomodations, transportation, etc. and can work with your in-house crew support team or third-party providers. Our logistics module is out-of-the box ready to integrate with solutions like Hotel Connections or Travelliance. Open or unfulfilled logistics needs are clearly highlighted and crew can stay up to date with the Crew Portal or through notifications via Ascension TEAM.

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  • Crew Forecast

    ProVerne Solutions has created the industry-leading tool for monitoring – and managing – Crew Legality. Designed to work with most of the popular Crew Management System (e.g AIMS, Sabre, NetLine, etc.), Crew Forecast gives you clean, exceptions-based dashboards that are tailored to your airlines policies and processes. Crew Forecast is designed to work with any regulatory framework (e.g. FAA 117/121, EASA, Indian DGCA, etc.) and can quickly be deployed. Completely cloud-hosted and browser-based, Crew Forecast lets you look into the future and manage potential disruptions long before they become an issue. ProVerne’s unique implementation approach lets you design workflows, tailor dashboards and generate customized reports so that accurate information is distributed in near real-time. Completely web-based, ProVerne’s cloud solution follows our unique design standard that requires minimal to no training to get started.

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  • Training Management

    ProVerne has created an advanced system for flight crew training scheduling, planning, tracking and qualifications management. With seamless integration and clear, concise visualizations you’ll get better planning, visibility on training pipeline performance and clear forecasts of how well you’re meeting your operational training targets. ProVerne’s unique implementation approach lets you design workflows, tailor dashboards and generate customized reports so that accurate information is distributed in near real-time. Completely web-based, ProVerne’s cloud solution follows our unique design standard that requires minimal to no training to get started.

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  • Roster Management

    ProVerne's Roster Management System is a simplified tool for managing all duty rosters and visualize availability of crew members. A highly intuitive duty patterns based approach ensures your roster plans for coming months takes just a few clicks. This tool is available as part of ProVerne's Crew Management System as well as a stand-alone product with in-built crew records management.

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  • Crew Pay

    ProVerne's Crew Pay System is a comprehensive automated solution for calculating the compensation of both flight-deck and cabin crew in compliance with Collective Bargaining Agreements. Its advanced dynamic rules engine allows for the straightforward online configuration and management of even the most intricate payroll conditions.

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  • Migration & onboarding

    Whether you are migrating from completely paper processes, spreadsheet-based tools or legacy systems, our simple 3 step migration process takes the pain out of transition and gets you up and running in a matter of days with minimal demands from your in-house IT and Subject Matter resources.

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