Crew Logistics Management
ProVerne's CMS quickly identifies crew logistics requirements (e.g. deadheading, crew accomodations, transportation, etc. and can work with your in-house crew support team or third-party providers. Our logistics module is out-of-the box ready to integrate with solutions like Hotel Connections or Travelliance. Open or unfulfilled logistics needs are clearly highlighted and crew can stay up to date with the Crew Portal or through notifications via Ascension TEAM.
Identify Logistics Requirements
- Identify and capture transportation and accommodations information for crew
- Identify and flag deadhead legs
Manage Logistics in Real-Time
- Pre-configured to integrate with 3rd Party providers
- Disruption management tools update logistics requirements
- Crew can access travel information via Crew Portal or via Ascension TEAM mobile platform (subscription required)
Track and Analyze Logistics Costs
- Capture and integration of historical costs for optimization modeling
- Complete reporting and utilization
Technology & hosting
ProVerne products are offered in the form of Software-as-a-Service and are deployed on Amazon Web Services, allowing us to further guarantee stability and systems security. And, unlike many SaaS solutions, ProVerne tools are device-agnostic and can be accessed through any standard web or mobile browser, eliminating roll-out/upgrade downtime, supporting Crew "Bring Your Own Device", and having NO requirement for additional software or applications to be installed.
Customization & Support
ProVerne’s unique, rapid-prototyping implementation approach gives you a solution tailored to your organization with an amazing time-to-market. Typically you'll see your first iteration in two weeks or less and from there we'll work closely with your team to make sure that layouts, dashboards and workflows all are optimized to your unique operation. With ProVerne, there are no surprises and every engagement is an oppotunity to exceed expectations.
ProVerne stands apart from other providers in that we are on a constant mission to ensure that you are receiving maximum value for your investment. Everything, from the application to payments and administration, is designed to reduce overhead and keep you focused on the business.